Tuesday 10 September 2013

Microsoft CRM 2013 - Custom Code Validation Tool

This will help anyone who wants to see whats supported and not supported in there customisations before attempting to upgrade to CRM 2013.


To help you prepare for your upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, we have created the Custom Code Validation Tool for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. When using JavaScript code in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, it is possible that some code will stop working or cause an error when you upgrade. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Custom Code Validation Tool helps identify potential problems so that a developer can fix them. Please run this tool on your CRM instance to help identify potential issues with custom JavaScript in JavaScript libraries and HTML web resources. It will detect issues in the custom web resources that will no longer work after the upgrade is completed.

The most common issues that this tool targets are:

. CRM v4 client SDK calls

. CRM 2007 end points

. Common DOM manipulations

Running this tool before upgrade will enable you to identify issues and fix them prior to your scheduled upgrade so that your upgrade process can run smoothly.

Upgrade process for On-Premise CRM 4

CRM 4 clip_image001[7] CRM 2011clip_image001[7]CRM 2013


Watch this blog for the complete guide on to install CRM 2013 on Windows Server 2012 and SQL 2012

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Attach Process for Plugin Debug

To debug a plugin, make sure you attach the right process. Please find the process details below:

  • online – w3wp.exe

  • offline – Microsoft.Crm.Application.Hoster.exe

  • asynchronous registered plug-ins (or custom workflow assemblies) –CrmAsyncService.exe

  • sandbox (isolation mode) – Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.WorkerProcess.exe

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Charts: Show field from a related record...i.e. Account(Industry code) and Opportunity(Est. Revenue)

Charts, charts and more charts!

How do you create a chart like the one below(2 fields from 2 entities)

Normally when creating charts you can only select fields on the current entity or primary lookups!

So what do you do:

Export the xml and make one tiny change and import it back in.

In example below the chart was created using opportunities, the fields Est. Revenue & Potential Customer.

Edit the xml for potential customer i.e. customerid to industrycode


Import back in viola!

Other things you can do:



Wednesday 2 January 2013

CRM 2011 Web Services

Great blog which can be found here
Here’s  quick overview of the different services:
  • Organization SOAP Service: This is the primary web service accessing the data and metadata (data about data) for a CRM organization.  It provides methods to perform any operation in Dynamics CRM.
  • Discovery SOAP Service: A CRM implementation can have multiple “tenants” or organizations.  To determine/retrieve an organization and the web service endpoint to access the Organization service, the discovery service can be used.
  • Organization ODATA Service: This is a web services that utilizes a REST endpoint and is limited to only CRUD (create, retrieve, update and delete) operations.  This is typically the bulk of the operations performed, but an example of an action the REST endpoint cannot do is to assign records in CRM.
Traditionally within plug-ins, you’ll use the organization service because you can easily retrieve the service as it’s being passed into the plug-in execution context.  However within web resources such as JScript and Silverlight applications, what should you use and when?  The Dynamics CRM SDK lists the following:
  • CRUD Operations: REST
  • Associate and Disassociate records: REST
  • Assign Records: SOAP
  • Retrieve Metadata: SOAP
  • Execute Messages: SOAP
Another good link
DiscoveryWCFSOAP 1.2information about the organizations availablesRetrieveUser, RetrieveOrganization
Endpoint:<Discovery Server URL>/XRMServices/2011/Discovery.svc
OrganizationWCFSOAP 1.2access to the business data and metadataCRUD, Associate, Dissociate, Metadata, Execute
Endpoint: <organization URL>/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc
Organization DataWCFREST
Open data (JSON/Atom)
access to the business data (only for web ressources/no authentication)CRUD,Associate,Dissociate
Endpoint: <organization URL>/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc
Web RessourceWCFSOAP 1.2access to the business data and metadata (only for web ressources/no authentication)CRUD Associate, Dissociate, Metadata, Execute
Endpoint: <organization URL>/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web
DeploymentWCFSOAP 1.2access to the deployment propertiesRUD, Execute
Endpoint: <servername>/xrmdeployment/2011/deployment.svc
And another one
For CRM Online End Points:
CRM 2011 Discovery and Web Service URL’s to use, based on the Developer Resources Page in CRM.
Here is the information that you need:
The following URLs should be used to access the discovery service (use the appropriate URL for your location):
The following URLs should be used to access the Organization service(SOAP endpoint):
https://{Organization Name}.api.crm.dynamics.com/XrmServices/2011/Organization.svc (North America)
https://{Organization Name}.api.crm4.dynamics.com/XrmServices/2011/Organization.svc (EMEA)
https://{Organization Name}.api.crm5.dynamics.com/XrmServices/2011/Organization.svc (APAC)
Where {Organization Name} refers to the Organization that you specify in the URL when accessing the Web application. For example, for Contoso.crm.dynamics.com, the {Organization Name} is Contoso.
The following URLs should be used to access the Organization Data service(OData REST endpoint)
https://{Organization Name}.api.crm.dynamics.com/XrmServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc (North America)
https://{Organization Name}.api.crm4.dynamics.com/XrmServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc (EMEA)
https://{Organization Name}.api.crm5.dynamics.com/XrmServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc (APAC)

For CRM On-premise
s customers:
http://{server}/XRMServices/2011/Discovery.svc for the Discovery service endpoint
http://{server}/{OrgName}/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc for the Organization Service endpoint (SOAP)
http://{server}/{OrgName}/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc for the Organization Data Service endpoint (REST)
http://{server}/XRMDeployment/2011/Deployment.svc for the Deployment Service endpoint